Category: Information
Hits: 11799

OFFIS was Co-Organizer of the ”Second International Workshop on Location and the Web” (LocWeb 2009) in conjunction with CHI 2009.


Workshop Theme and Goals

Location has become an important concept for many Web-based applications, in particular because of the increasing popularity of mobile Internet access. So far, however, location concepts are reinvented in many different places and these diverging concepts make it hard to use location-based services and data in a truly open way.


The Second International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2009) targets the capabilities and constraints of Web-based location-oriented services, looking at browser-based applications, as well as at native applications using Web services.


The focus of this workshop is on exploring approaches for handling the complexity of location-based services and, more specifically, looking at location abstractions, location sharing, privacy issues, and interface design issues. The goal is to create a starting point for attaining better understanding of how the Web has to change to embrace location as a first-class concept and to bring together key scientists in all participating disciplines in order to stimulate open discussion. It is our hope that we will be able to achieve increased synergy of approaches between the disciplines engaged in Web technologies, HCI, UbiComp, and other related fields. More directly, we intend to encourage immediate interdisciplinary collaboration on future research topics. Young scholars and Ph.D. students are especially encouraged to submit papers and participate in the workshop.


For more details see: